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Adventure Center Program

The Adventure Center program provides before and after school programming on school days for students preschool aged (3-5 years) through fifth grade. Non school day programming is available for students in grades K-5.  

Preschool aged students are eligible to attend the summer school age program prior to attending Kindergarten if they are registered in Kindergarten. Students will be mostly grouped with like age students.

Children must be mostly toilet trained and independent in the bathroom. 

Locations: Cambridge Intermediate Primary school: School age (School year, non school days, Summer) Preschool age (School year only)

Isanti Primary School: Preschool age and school age (School year only)

Isanti Intermediate school: School age (School year and afterschool only)

School age attendance days: Monday-Friday 6:00 am-school start time and school end time to 6:00 pm, Non School days: 6:00 am-6:00 pm

Preschool age attendance days (3 yrs-Pre K): Monday-Friday 6:00 am to start of morning and full day preschool and end of afternoon and full day preschool-6:00 pm.  Closed on Non school days and Summer.  

New information! Our preschool age program will close at 5:30 pm during the 25-26 school year.   

Adventure Center Program Rates Effective: 6/12/2024
School year 2024-2025 C-I Preschool and School age students
Registration Fees (Non refundable) One child Family
Registration fee $40.00 $65.00
Military family registration fee $0.00 $0.00
Contract options Times available Rate per day
Consistent Contract 2 day/week minimum
Before school 6:00-school start time $11.00
After school, early pickup school end time-4:00 pm $11.50
After school school end time-6:00 pm $19.50
Non school day (K-5 only) 6:00 am-6:00 pm $43.00
Pick Your Days Contract No minimum days
Before school 6:00-school start time $12.75
After school, early pickup school end time-4:00 pm $13.25
After school school end time-6:00 pm $21.25
Drop in days available for registered children
Any days added after the schedule change deadline / accepted on a space available basis.
Before school 6:00-school start time $15.00
After school, early pickup school end time-4:00 pm $15.50
After school school end time-6:00 pm $23.50
Non school day (K-5 only) 6:00 am-6:00 pm $48.00

25-26 school year rates will be available on the web page on February 1, 2025.

Adventure Center Program Logo

Jump to: 2024-2025 School year (3 years-Pre K) 2024-2025 School year (K-5) 2025-2026 School year (3 years-Pre K)

2024-2025 School year (3 years-Pre K)

2024-2025 School year (K-5)

2025-2026 School year (3 years-Pre K)